Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

My friend Sarah wrote this in her Christmas card and i thought it was perfect for what is to come in our family, Christmas and a New Year! (Sarah is also the one that is designing my logo for my future salon ......she is amazing!!!:))

So, it’s Christmas time, and with a baby in the house, it naturally makes me think of baby Jesus.

Babies are funny. They have this innate ability to breakdown barriers. They can stop whatever is dividing people and evoke a smile from complete strangers...or complete loved ones.

Jesus can do that too. He’s in the barrier-breaking business too. Who is that baby Jesus? Maybe your friend? Maybe a fuzzy memory from your childhood? Maybe even a part of your life that you’ve tried to not think about? Or perhaps even someone you don’t really know? Regardless, He wants to have a relationship with you.

So this our prayer for you. The next time you hear or see a baby, think about little baby Jesus. May that smile that some baby brings to your face, remind you that God loves you and wants to be closer to you.

God gave us baby Jesus, so that we may live without fear and bask in His unconditional, forgiving love. So smile!

Hear His coo. May Baby Jesus melt your heart this year.

Friday, December 10, 2010

In the arms of an Angel

Jon and I decided to plant a tree for all our children we have plus one extra tree. this year we are planting one extra for our niece or nephew angel……

Today is my brother and sister in-laws first due date. I really wanted to plant this tree before winter…..but that didn't work before the ground froze.

this statue is going to go in front of that tree when we plant it in the spring time.

You are probably wondering why are we doing this….well we want our children to know and understand that even a baby in utero is a baby even if it wasn't born…..we want them to know that there is a lot of pain in losing a child!

I also decided that this tree is going to be for all our friends and family who have also lost a baby or can't get pregnant! A lot of people don't understand how much pain there is with a loss like this…..a lot of people say well they are having a baby now or they have kids though or they can adopt or do invetro…..but knowing my friends pain they have stated that the pain will always be in their hearts even the husbands!

Please take this time with me and pray for Danny and Jamie on this day and for ALL my friends (Sam and Jenni, ………….) and all the people that we don't know about and are suffering alone….. who have gone through this…….or will go through this……

Lord, you bring life into this world and you take life and we don't know why….Please help us understand some day why. Wrap your arms around everyone who's hearts are hurting! Please give them the strength to get through the pain and help them come closer to their spouses during this time of hurt! Mother Mary you know the pain that many women are feeling when you watch your one and only son die on the cross please comfort all these women who are hurting and wrap your arms around their wombs!

If you are emotional after reading this don't read this next poem… was hard for me to even put this (but I have a Kleenex box next to me)

Your Little Angel

Forever will I love you
You will always be my mom
As I sit with angels I look down at you and point proudly
See . . .See her . . .over there, That's her!

Did you know I could hear your thoughts at night
When you used to lie in bed staring, rubbing your hand on your belly
Looking up at the ceiling in the dark wondering things . . .
Who I would look more like . . .
About how my laugh would sound . . .
My First steps . . .
Books that you would read to me . . ones with pictures . . .
"I like Those!"

The park . . .how you would walk me in a stroller to play on the swings
How about after I ate ice cream the dog excitedly licking my
face almost knocking me down . . .
You just smiled when you read that . . I could see you

Do you know I call you "mommy"?
When you are in the kitchen I pretend I am there also and you can see me
I sit at the table and draw with crayons
I made a picture for the refrigerator
Yellow, blue, red and green
Look its of you and me with a sky and trees
I gave you curly hair . . .

Easter . . .that's my favorite
I always think of you holding my hand taking me to church
One of my socks keeps falling down

Mommy . . .I like the way you kiss my sisters goodnight
on the forehead and tuck them in
I play with them in their dreams
They don't know me but if you ask if they ever
dreamed of playing with a little girl
they would say yes . . .
That's me . . .

Do you remember that bird each early spring
that used to always return and sing
It would have been right around the time of my birthday
That was me to . . .
I would sing "I love you"

I am always along side you . . .
Sometimes you can feel me
A brush against your dress, a breeze on your face . . .
that's when I kiss you

You have always kept me in your mind and heart
Thank you . . .
One day we will be together in heaven and you will cry
and lift me in your arms and I will hug
you so very tight and never let go . . .

But for now I have to . . .

No matter where you go, what you do, I am with you
Always know that I am "Your Little Angel"
I love you mommy . . .

Bye . . .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

maternity pictures

Just a side note about this day.......the Sunday before we were going to do these pictures....69 degrees outside but Sarah was sick so we did it the next Sunday 35 degrees (just a little cold). Also I kinda had a little melt little i mean BIG......It started with me freaking out cuz i had planned on an outfit for months and then since its was so cold out i thought i needed to change my outfit....well pregnant women shouldn't change outfits!!!! let's just say there were tears, and emotion thrown every were!!! But i have an amazing husband and he tried so hard to make it all better!




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If you haven’t seen Sarah and her husbands work check out their web page